東京・ニューヨーク・テルアヴィヴが、 音楽とアート、そしてフムスで繋がるPARTY NIGHT!!!
▶︎sauce81 (N’gahoTa’quia/77KaratGold)
▶︎Yoav Saar(Garden City Movement)
イスラエルはテルアヴィヴを拠点に活動中のエレクトロ・ポップトリオGarden City Movement(ガーデン・シティ・ムーヴメント)のために来日中の、Garden City MovementでGuitars, Sampler, KeyboardsをつとめるYoav Saarが、特別にDJ setで出演!
過去28回にわたり、”TOKYO HOUSE MUSIC AND DISCO PARTY”のコンセプトのもと開催してきたsheepのレジデントDJ PIECEの出演も急遽追加された。DEEP HOUSE 、Garage、DISCOを得意とする、彼の幅広い音楽体験から紡がれるGROOVEは、クラブラバーからビギナーまで評価が高い。
▶︎Maiko Kikuchi
現代アート界で注目のstickymongerとのコラボレーション展も大盛況、今ブルックリンで大人気のコラージュ / パペットアーティスト、Maiko Kikuchiの展示も会場内で同時開催。本企画・制作”chamber”のロゴタイプを手がけた彼女の、日本での展示はじつに5年ぶり。
ワインは、イスラエル航空ファーストクラスで起用されている希少なものを。そして中東といえばニューヨークでも大人気の料理、フムス!今回はCITAN Diningシェフによるスペシャルな絶品フムスをご用意してお待ちしています。
This is the before night of Garden City Movement Japan First Tour (4.8 Shibuya WWW / 4.9 Osaka CONPASS). This event has SECRET GUEST! They from across the globe. Tokyo, Tel Aviv and NYC and…? I hope you have a wonderful cherry blossom night!
“by chamber 02”
時間:open 18:00 / start 19:00
料金:adv. ¥2,800 / door ¥3,300
+ Special Guest !!!!!
Yoav Saar (Garden City Movement)
UENO (Charterhouse Records/sheeps)
Maiko Kikuchi (from NYC)
後援 : イスラエル大使館
協力 : beatink / PLANCHA / 月見ル君思フ

生々しいグルーヴとラフで温かみのあるシンセ使い、雑味たっぷりの楽器演奏とソウルフルなボーカルワークで、ディープなファンクネスをマシンに宿すプロダクションスタイルを探求。sauce81としてUKのEglo Records始め、国内外のレーベルからリリースを重ね、N’gahoTa’quia名義でアルバム『In The Pocket』、grooveman Spotとのユニット77 Karat Goldとしてアルバム『WANNAFUNKWITU』、2018年末には、SAUCE81 & SHING02として宇宙の旅を彩るSFサウンドトラック『S8102』を発表。2008年バルセロナにて開催された Red Bull MusicAcademy に招待されて以来、国内外多数のイベントやフェスに出演。Rainbow Disco Clubから始ったSOICHI TERADA × KUNIYUKI × SAUCE81のライブセッションは、ダンスミュージックのパフォーマー同士のセッションの可能性を示しながら、Japan Connection(パリ)、Warehouse Project(マンチェスター)、ADE2018(アムステルダム)といった各国のフロアも湧かせている。DJとのセッションも積極的に行いながら、ceroの楽曲にドラム・プログラミングで参加し、リミックスを提供するなど活動の幅を広げている。マシンを駆使し、歌やシンセのループをリアルタイムで組み上げて行くファンキーでソウルフルなライヴは必見。
With raw beats, warm and ruff synth, rugged instrumentation and soulful vocals, sauce81 bringsdeep funkness into his machine grooves. After releasing singles and remixes on variouslabels, his two 7inch singles “Natural Thing” and “Dance Tonight” on Alexander Nut & Floating Point’s consistently excellent label Eglo Records gained a lot of attention worldwide. He also dropped the album “In The Pocket” under his N’gaho Ta’quia alias, as an homage to his musical roots from the 70’s funk, soul, jazz music and blaxploitation movie soundtracks, with psychedelic synth sounds and soulful vibes driven by dirty fat beats. Took part in Red Bull Music Academy 2008 Barcelona and performed at Sonar Sound Tokyo, Do Over, 5 Years of BoilerRoom, Rainbow Disco Club, Wonderfruit and many other music festivals, events touring worldwide. SOICHI TERADA × KUNIYUKI × SAUCE81 Live Session at Rainbow Disco Club(JP), ADE 2018(NL), Warehouse Project(UK), Japan Connection(FR) has been an epic performance showing new possibilities for electronic/dance-music performers to jam with each other on machines. Also known as 1/2 of 77 Karat Gold: a collaboration project with Grooveman Spot on Jazzy Sport. In 2015 they delivered a package with their diverse styles of electronic funk and groove science in their debut album “WANNAFUNKWITU”. The latest project “S8102” with Shing02 is a sci-fi space trip soundtrack. His funky and soulful machine live set triggering beats, looping synth, bass, keys and singing over the tracks, and mixing the songs like a DJ is a special one to check out.
+ Special Guest!!!
Yoan Saar (Special DJ Set)

2018年3月にアルバムをリリース、MVは180万再生というイスラエルのエレクトロポップユニットarden City Movementから、Yoav Saarが、特別にDJ Setで出演!
Garden City Movement is an electronic indie pop band based in Tel Aviv, Israel that formed in 2013. The band consists of Roi Avital (Vocals, Keyboards, Guitars), Yoav Saar (Guitars, Sampler, Keyboards) and Johnny Sharoni (Vocals, guitars,Sampler, Percussion).
Maiko Kikuchi (Exhibition)

ニューヨーク州ブルックリン地区在住。武蔵野美術大学空間演出デザイン学科卒業後、2009年に渡米。Platt Institute (NYC)にてファインアートを学び、MFA(美術学修士)を取得。現実と非現実の境にある白昼夢を様々な表現方法を通して作ることを日々模索しつつ、2013年よりパペット・パフォーマンス、コラージュ、イラストレーション、アニメーションなど幅広いジャンルでアーティスト活動を展開している。
Maiko Kikuchi (b.1983, Tokyo, Japan) received her B.A in Theater Arts and Fashion Design from Musashino Art University, Japan in 2008, her M.F.A in Sculpture from Pratt Institute, in 2012. Extensive multi-faceted professional experience in the areas of Illustration,painting,drawing,collages,sculpture,animation and puppetry/performance. Her recent self direction object theatre piece “Daydream Tutorial” has shown at LaMaMa(NY) The Wild Project(NY) and FiveMyles Gallery(NY), ”On The Other Side Of The Fence.” at Dixon Place (NY) as their 2016 artist in residency, “PINK BUNNY” at Japan Society(NY), “Daydream Antology” at Five Myles(NY) as an opening performance in their performance festival “IN FLUX”. As well as self directed theatre pieces, Kikuchi has been working as a puppeteer, object builder and visual designer for other director’s shows such as “Co. Venture” by Brooklyn Touring Outfit at Baryshnikov Art Center(NY), “Six Characters” by Theodora Skipitares at LaMaMa(NY), “ The Chairs” by Theodora Skipitares at Whitney Museum(NY). As Visual artist, she presented her collage animation in “Crown Heights Film Festival”,group exhibition“NO PARKING” at Ca’d’ Oro Gallery(NY), “Unwritten stories” at HERE art center(NY), Jamestown Artcenter(RI). Her drawing/collage works are commissioned to some online art galleries such as Tuuum, Walls Tokyo, also provides collage animation music videos for vary musicians. Kikuchi is currently an artist in residency at HERE Art Center’s HARP program, collaborating with multidisciplinary artist & puppeteer, Spencer Lott.
CITAN - Hostel, Cafe, Bar, Dining
CITAN is our brand new seven stories hostel located in Higashi-nihonbashi. Our first floor includes a cafe welcoming all local and foreign customers. Our basement lounge includes a full bar with beers and cocktails from around the world and a tasty dinner menu.
Nihonbashi was the initial starting point of Gokaido during the Edo era where five major highways connected Edo(current Tokyo) to the rest of Japan in which many journeys began in this town.
CITAN aims to be the starting point of every journey that connects the city and people in present time.
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